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floor screen gallery 3

Floor Screen

Transform any space with our innovative Floor Screens – where every step unveils a world of interactive wonders.

floor screen gallery 3

Floor Screen

Transform any space with our innovative Floor Screens – where every step unveils a world of interactive wonders.

floor screen gallery 3

Floor Screen

Transform any space with our innovative Floor Screens – where every step unveils a world of interactive wonders.

Our Floor Screens represent the pinnacle of interactive display technology, seamlessly blending into any environment to offer an immersive experience that captivates and engages. Designed for high-traffic areas, these screens turn ordinary floors into dynamic canvases, displaying everything from vivid advertisements to interactive games. Perfect for commercial spaces seeking to innovate, our Floor Screens invite visitors to step into the future of digital engagement.

Our Floor Screens represent the pinnacle of interactive display technology, seamlessly blending into any environment to offer an immersive experience that captivates and engages. Designed for high-traffic areas, these screens turn ordinary floors into dynamic canvases, displaying everything from vivid advertisements to interactive games. Perfect for commercial spaces seeking to innovate, our Floor Screens invite visitors to step into the future of digital engagement.

Optimal for

Optimal for

  • Retail Spaces: Elevate shopping experiences with interactive floor ads and promotions.

  • Museums and Exhibitions: Engage visitors with interactive guides and art displays.

  • Corporate Lobbies: Impress clients with dynamic company presentations and news.

  • Event Venues: Offer interactive directories and social media walls for guests.

  • Educational Facilities: Create interactive learning experiences for students of all ages.

  • Retail Spaces: Elevate shopping experiences with interactive floor ads and promotions.

  • Museums and Exhibitions: Engage visitors with interactive guides and art displays.

  • Corporate Lobbies: Impress clients with dynamic company presentations and news.

  • Event Venues: Offer interactive directories and social media walls for guests.

  • Educational Facilities: Create interactive learning experiences for students of all ages.

purple floor screen installed on the ground
purple floor screen installed on the ground
purple floor screen installed on the ground
floor screen emmersed in the environment
floor screen emmersed in the environment
floor screen emmersed in the environment



  • Retail Spaces: Elevate shopping experiences with interactive floor ads and promotions.

  • Museums and Exhibitions: Engage visitors with interactive guides and art displays.

  • Corporate Lobbies: Impress clients with dynamic company presentations and news.

  • Event Venues: Offer interactive directories and social media walls for guests.

  • Educational Facilities: Create interactive learning experiences for students of all ages.

  • Retail Spaces: Elevate shopping experiences with interactive floor ads and promotions.

  • Museums and Exhibitions: Engage visitors with interactive guides and art displays.

  • Corporate Lobbies: Impress clients with dynamic company presentations and news.

  • Event Venues: Offer interactive directories and social media walls for guests.

  • Educational Facilities: Create interactive learning experiences for students of all ages.

Our Gallery

Our Gallery

  • floor screen gallery 2
  • floor screen gallery 1
  • floor screen gallery 3
  • floor screen gallery 4
  • floor screen gallery 5
  • floor screen gallery 2
  • floor screen gallery 1
  • floor screen gallery 3
  • floor screen gallery 4
  • floor screen gallery 5
  • floor screen gallery 2
  • floor screen gallery 1
  • floor screen gallery 3
  • floor screen gallery 4
  • floor screen gallery 5